Monday, May 13, 2013

Piggy Banks

A piggy bank or penny bank is a coin container. Iin English "pig" is the animal and also a form of earthenware used to make pots and jars. Since people often saved their money in these jars they became known as "pig jars" and then evolved to pig bank.

I was thinking about piggy banks for two reasons, first because our son just graduated from college so I'm hoping our piggy bank will get a little break and secondly because there is a giant fiberglass pig in our driveway. Kahnie the Pig is a piece of Cincinnati history in that she represented the Kahns Meat Company. For a long time meat packing was big business here in Porkopolis. Kahnie is around 10 feet tall and 20 feet long. Her actual owner is the American Sign Museum. She is at our house because my husband is going to restore her to her former glorious pinkness. Anyone want to guess how many pennies she would hold?There is a Giant Pig in my driveway.

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