Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Introduction: Vessels, All the Eyes Can Hold

In August of 2013, the Kennedy Heights Arts Center will present Vessels, All the Eyes Can Hold. This invitational /open call art show is being curated by Lynn Conaway and Carole Gary Staples. The other team members are Nancy Berlier and Debra Wallace.

While there have been many exhibitions about vessels, usually they refer to vessels as vases or bowls. This show is about all the connotations of the word vessel.  So, what is a vessel? The simplest definition is, a vessel is a container. But when you think about it, there are many, many things which can be considered a container. According to www.dictionary.com a vessel can be a ship or airplane. It can be a cup, a vase, an artery or a vein. There are vessels in nature and spiritual vessels. From an artistic standpoint a vessel can be represented in myriad ways. As Curators we will be looking for two and three dimensional art. Almost any medium can be used. During the run of the show we will schedule talks, workshops and there will be a special vessel boutique.

The reasons for this blog are three fold; to educate, entertain, and encourage artists to think outside the box (hey! A box is a vessel). During the year our goal is to write about anything and everything pertaining to vessels. We hope to introduce our readers to a number of talented artists representing many mediums. We will provide links to interesting sites; we will showcase a gallery of vessels and much, much more. In order to accomplish these goals we will need input from our friends and artists. If you have something interesting to say or maybe you have a collection of vessels, or you are an artist who would like to be included on our blog send your information to; curator@kennedyarts.org. Please understand the curators will decide what to post and inclusion of an artists work on our blog does not necessarily guarantee your work will be in the show.

We will post more details later. Right now we can’t wait to see how the word vessel is interpreted as art.

--Lynn and Carole